dehiscence|dehiscences in English


opening of a capsule or other structure to release seeds or pollen (Botany); opening of an organ to release its contents (Biology); rupturing of a wound that has been surgically closed (Surgery)

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Below are sample sentences containing the word "dehiscence|dehiscences" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dehiscence|dehiscences", or refer to the context using the word "dehiscence|dehiscences" in the English Dictionary.

1. Nearly each factor of normal healing can under changed circumstances, favour anastomotic dehiscence.

2. In wild-type plants, the stamen filament elongated just prior to anther dehiscence.

3. Anthesis takes place at 4.30-7.30 a.m., with anther dehiscence at 3-5 a.m

4. The timely release of mature pollen following Anther dehiscence is essential for reproduction in flowering plants

5. Abdominal wound dehiscence can result from general (disturbed protein metabolism, drugs, hormones), mechanical (excessive adiposis, vomiting, meteorism, ascites) or local causes (suture technique, suture material, wound infection). Of all cases of wound dehiscence 85 % occurred after longitudinal section.

6. Seven patients had to be reoperated because of intraperitoneal abscess (3 cases) or wound dehiscence (4 cases).

7. Anther dehiscence is the final function of the Anther that causes the release of pollen grains

8. The cap cell forms a lid which allows the Antherozoids to escape at the time of dehiscence of antheridium

9. There is no standard correspondence between the valves and the position of the septa; the valves may separate by splitting the septa (septicidal dehiscence) or by spitting between them (loculicidal dehiscence), or the ovary may open in other ways such as through pores or because a cap falls off.

10. At the stage of Anther dehiscence, there was one-layer Anther wall of endothecium and the tapetal layer was digested completely to nourish the pollen grains.

11. The focus of this review is to examine how processes such as Abscission and dehiscence are regulated and the ways new research strategies are helping

12. Dehiscence of the Aponeurosis is often due to involutional changes in older adults and this is the most common cause of ptosis in this population (Fig 5)

13. Cases of bronchial anastomotic dehiscence, most fatal, have been reported in de novo lung transplant patients when sirolimus has been used as part of an immunosuppressive regimen

14. The second center reported two cases of bronchial anastomotic dehiscence, one of which was fatal. Rapamune is indicated for the prophylaxis of organ rejection in patients receiving allogeneic renal transplants.

15. Specific operative complications, i. e. anastomotic leakage versus stump dehiscence, perioperative complications, and 30-day- or in-hospital mortality were registered for comparison of the immediate risk of the respective procedures.

16. Dehiscence is the splitting, at maturity, along a built-in line of weakness in a plant structure in order to release its contents, and is common among fruits, Anthers and sporangia.Sometimes this involves the complete detachment of a part

17. (A) Fructification and dehiscence of capsules containing mature seeds; (B) microscopic view of a seed (size ranging 0.2–2 mm) that undergoes sucessive dispersal, primary dormancy and annual release of secondary dormancy; (C) Broomrape embryo does not develop morphologycaly identified cotyledons or shoot meristem and

18. Some of these characters, including inflorescence position and "winter" development, Bracteole position, indumentum of the corolla and filaments, anther texture, presence and positioning of staminal appendages (spurs, awns, tubules, etc.), and fruit dehiscence and texture (leading to various fruit types), are extremely homoplasious.

19. Wounds occuring in the skin as burns, stasis ulcers, cutaneous wounds, donor skin surgery wounds, chemical, mechanical or laser peel burns, chapped lips, cracked nipples, diaper rash, severe cuts, abrasions, sunburn, diabetic ulcers, trophic lesions such as decubitus ulcers, allergic ulcers, dehiscence wonds, acral lick dermatitis (acral lick granulomas in animals), lacerations, and wounds that are traumatic in origin, which are commonly resistant to the natural healing process, may be treated with this composition.